
Rule 11 Levies

11.1 The Executive Committee may, if necessary, impose a levy upon all members of the Union and all members shall be required to pay such levy provided that, if members object to payment of the levy, they shall have the right to refer the matter to the Annual General Meeting

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Rule 12 Auditors

12.1 One or more auditors, who need not be members of the Union, shall be appointed or elected at the Annual General Meeting. 12.2 The auditor shall audit all the accounts of the Union including general, welfare and subsidiary accounts (if any) as soon after the close of each financial

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Rule 13 Inspection of Books

13.1 Any member will be allowed to inspect the account books, the registered rules of the Union, and the register of members. Applications must be made in advance to the Honorary Secretary or Honorary Treasurer who will be allowed reasonable time to make the necessary documents available.

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Rule 14 Trade Disputes

14.1 In the event of any trade dispute arising, the members concerned shall make the same known to the Honorary Secretary of the Union, who shall immediately report the same to the Executive Committee but in no case shall a cessation of work be threatened or take place without the

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Rule 15 Legal Assistance

15.1 Consistent with the provisions of Rule 2 the Executive Committee shall have the power to provide legal advice and assistance to any member on any matter connected with the prosecution or defence undertaken for the purpose of securing or protecting any rights arising out of the relations of the

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Rule 16 Educational Work

16.1 The Union may undertake the education of its members through meetings, classes or a periodical bulletin reporting the activities of the Union. It may publish literature and take such other action as will promote professional, industrial, cultural, social and political knowledge of its members.

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Rule 17 Dissolution

17.1 The Union shall not be dissolved, except with the consent of a simple majority of votes of the voting membership of the Union obtained by means of a secret ballot. 17.2 In the event of the Union being dissolved all debts and liabilities legally incurred on behalf of the

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Rule 18 Contract and Common Seal

18.1 The Union shall have a common seal which shall be in the safe custody of the Honorary Treasurer and this common seal shall only be used by the authority of the Executive Committee in resolution. 18.2 Contracts or instruments made by the Executive Committee on behalf of the Union

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Rule 19 Code of Ethics

19.1 Journalists have a duty to maintain the highest professional and ethical standards. 19.2 Journalists shall at all times defend the principle of the freedom of the press and other media in relation to the collection of information and the expression of comment and criticism. They shall strive to eliminate

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