Coalition Statement by “Press Coalition against Violence”

Mr Tsang Wai-hung, PDSM

Commissioner of Police
Police Headquarters
Arsenal Street
Wan Chai, Hong Kong
Dear Mr Tsang,
Coalition Statement
Kevin Lau Chun-to, the former Chief Editor of Ming Pao was attacked and seriously wounded on the morning of Wednesday 26 February, and is still recovering in hospital. Mr Lau is a veteran journalist, a current Executive Committee member of the News Executives Association and a former Vice-Chairman of the Hong Kong Journalists Association. He has made long-standing contributions to journalism in Hong Kong.  The Hong Kong news media and all sectors of society are shocked and outraged by the attack on Mr Lau. We are protesting and marching here today to condemn this violence in the strongest possible terms, and to urge all sectors of Hong Kong to affirm that we are against violence, that we want to catch the culprits and to uphold the rule of law.
Kevin is still in hospital, but his strength and determination will aid his recovery. We wish him a speedy recovery and hope he can return to his job and continue contributing to the news industry.
Today, five organisations: the Newspaper Society of Hong Kong, the Hong Kong News Executives Association, the Hong Kong Federation of Journalists, the Hong Kong Journalists Association and the Hong Kong Press Photographers’ Association, have initiated the Press Coalition Against Violence. Our members include both executives and frontline practitioners, showing the united resolve news media workers have in opposing violence. It also shows the management tier’s support for frontline staff, with whom they stand shoulder-to-shoulder in defending Hong Kong’s core values.
Our statement is as follows:
Kevin Lau Chun-to, the former Chief Editor of Ming Pao was attacked and seriously wounded on the morning of Wednesday 26 February. The Hong Kong news media and all sectors of Hong Kong society are shocked and outraged by the attack.  The crime is an challenge to Hong Kong’s rule of law and core values. We strongly condemn this cold-blooded and violent act. At the same time, we strongly urge the Hong Kong police to spare no efforts in finding and capturing the culprits as quickly as possible. This incident will not scare off the news media. On the contrary, Hong Kong’s news media and all sectors of society are more united in our resistance to violence. We are fearless and unbowed, we will stand firm in our positions, be true to our duty and report the facts; we will safeguard press freedom and uphold justice in Hong Kong.
The Press Coalition Against Violence urges all sectors of Hong Kong to oppose violence, catch the culprits and uphold the rule of law.
Press Coalition Against Violence
2nd March 2014
Initiating Organisations:
The Newspaper Society of Hong Kong
Hong Kong News Executives’ Association
Hong Kong Journalists Association
Hong Kong Federation of Journalists
Hong Kong Press Photographers Association
Participating Organisations:
The Foreign Correspondents Club, Hong Kong
RTHK Programme Staff Union
Next Media Trade Union
Ming Pao Staff Concern Group
Ming Pao Alumni Group
International Federation of Journalists
Journalism Educators for Press Freedom
Independent Commentators Association
The attack against senior officials of the Hong Kong Morning News
HKJA's Press Release: Around 13000 People Say ‘No’ to Violence